Tuesday, May 8

Oasis of Tidy: A Fairy Tale

Me:  Wendy* is coming over in the morning so could you and the dogs, um...

Hubby:  Vanish?

Me:  You know the house doesn't stay tidy for more than 3 minutes when you're all in it. 

Hubby:  Are you saying we're messy?

Me:  Yes, Hansel, that's what I'm saying. If only your debris trail was bread crumbs, then the dogs could clean up after you.

Hubby:  I'll tidy up before I go to work.

Me:  Thanks. I just want it to be nice. You know how Wendy's house is a lovely oasis of organization and charm.

Hubby:  I think our house is an oasis.

Me:  After a sand storm.

Hubby:  Or a fur storm!

Me:  Not funny.

Hubby:  Hey, our house is great.

Me:  You don't even see the mess. You could live in a yurt.

Hubby:  My feelings, and I know I speak for the pets as well, are wounded.

Me:  Just don't bleed on the carpet. Wendy's coming.

*Names have not been changed to give credit where credit is due.


Monday, April 30

What Teachers Wish They Could Say (The Series) Part 3

Maybe your dog should have eaten your homework. 

No, I won't tweet you what you missed. 

Did you check the class website? Yes, there's a class website.  Since the first week.  I know it's 
the last week.  No, it wasn't a "secret website".  Yes, it's too late to drop. 

Late:  /lāt/  (adjective): Coming after the time when due. Doing something or taking place after the 
          expected, proper, or usual time. 

That burning smell is probably your spell checker.

Did you bring your hard copy? Oh, you emailed it... 

This is why there are helmet laws. 

And to the other 99% of my students--Thank you!


Friday, March 30

Witty Comeback

Hubby:  Hey, what's up with your blog?

Me: You read my blog?

Hubby:  You haven't made fun of me in almost two months.

Me:  It isn't nice to pick on the infirm.

Hubby:  Now there's a word you don't hear every day!

Me:  But when I've been seeing it before my very eyes...

Hubby:  You're referring to my recent back problems I assume?

Me:  Never knowing which character you would be each day? Frankenstein, Walter Brennan, Kevin Costner in "The Big Chill"... 

Hubby:  I wasn't dead!

Me:  But you did just lie there on a number of occasions.

Hubby:  I prefer to think of it as suffering in quiet dignity, like Gary Cooper in "The Pride of the Yankees".

Me:  But that's just not funny. 

Hubby:  Maybe you could write something kind and sympathetic for a change?

Me:  Aaand....he's back!

Hubby:  Punny.

Me:  See?!

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